Tis the Season!

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It’s that moment when I realize that I need an army of minions to help me around the house to get the wrapping done, last minute cleaning finished, and final decorating.

Oh, and a little more baking. For my honey — who seems to really like some apricot thumbprint cookies. So easy to please, the Big Guy.

I’ve had a very low key Advent…some nice couple-time, a few parties, some good reading, confession last week, a few daily masses thrown in here and there.

What have you been doing to get ready?

2 Replies to “Tis the Season!”

  1. I wish I could sit down and knit you (and me) a minion! It seems like I haven’t done much but a little shopping—and I’m not done—but it’s been crazy busy anyway. Exam schedules throw my schedule out of whack, and I’m ready for a nervous breakdown. Thank God for little things like confession and Amazon prime. 😉

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