Weekly Photo Challenge: Converge

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I expect a bunch of mathematical and geometric convergences in this challenge. In the absence of getting a good picture of the Nexus, or Soran‘s attempt to enter it, I went with something a little more spiritual. Also, I really like blue.

This glass window above the transom at the Abbey Church at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit represents the challenge best. Stepping through the doors into a sacred space is a convergence, from the finite to the infinite, from the temporal to the eternal.

7 Replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Converge”

  1. i am quite a fan of stained glass windows – and the blue is very striking. a unique outside-the-box interpretation.
    having said that, my post steered quite clear from all things mathematical and geometrical as well. 🙂

  2. Stunning capture Maria! I love your take on the challenge. Stained glass…sigh ☺ Blue is my favorite colour. Peaceful sentiments thank you for sharing. Many thanks for visiting and following my blog! I’m honoured and grateful. Peace & light, jules

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