well, it’s done


Vicky had to report at 5 o’clock today to begin the transition to Basic Training. She ran inside, checked in, and then ran right back out so we could go to dinner together, along with her closest friend, Meredith.  We had a pleasant dinner, and then dropped her off for good. Oh. I have no words.

Too soon! Too soon! Even though we’ve had months to prepare. It seems like only yesterday she was taking her first steps, and now she has finally taken her own steps into total independence.  I think she was torn between throwing up or cartwheels. Maybe both. Especially if she was doing the cartwheels first. I know which one I’m going to do. Hint: I’m in no shape for cartwheels.

I watched her as she was giving her things one final pass.  She tucked her St. Michael medal in her shirt, and packed the olive drab twine rosary in the new digital camo back pack.  That’s all she takes with her–that, and a couple of changes of clothes. And a piece of my heart.

Anyway, here I sit. Contemplating boxes of memories that she’s packed up. Piles of clothes to be taken to St. Vincent de Paul.  Mementos left behind. I’ll get to them. Just not yet.

8 Replies to “well, it’s done”

  1. {{{{sigh}}}}}}

    I am so excited for her but I think that being a mom myself, I sympathize more with you and have felt such a swell of emotions as I read this.
    Know that we (that includes the boys) will pray for her and all of you.
    I can’t imagine what kind of dreams my boys will follow, but I do know that our love and hearts will always follow them.
    Un beso grande para ti.

  2. Wow! You have torn my heart out! I can’t even imagine what you must be going through…..and through the pain of not having her near you….you must be feeling so darn proud of her!

    God bless!

  3. There is Grace here, knowing such a great love and having it in your heart forever. Prayers and a large hug coming your way.

  4. Prayers here too – keep us informed of all her doings. It is not easy to see them fly away from the nest and I don’t think you can ever not feel the loss but the love is stronger than the distance and she is always your child! Blessings!

  5. Too many things in my head so…. I am quoting from Romans 8,28 and 31..

    ” And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”

    ” What shall we then say to these things ? If God be for us, who can be against us ? ”


  6. good luck vick , keep your eyes open, and a broard mind. mum and dad will glad await your return.

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