what is this feminine genius thing, anyway?

I often tease my friend Pat Gohn that I’m an Among Women fangirl. Maybe it’s Pat’s voice, so rich and engaging. Maybe it’s her ability to break down complex theological concepts into a conversation we could have over a cup of coffee (or two…or three!). Maybe it’s just the gentle way she has with her guests as well as the subject matter. You see, she takes these tough topics, like today, on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and talks about them in a straightforward way that doesn’t mince words or pull any punches, but still comes across with love and respect.

Do read what she says about women, our gift of maternity, our need for dignity, and our source of healing.

Here’s a snippet from her article at the Washington Post. You know you want more…

The gift of maternity is inherent in all women. They are predisposed to motherhood by their design. Yet, as we know, not all women bear children. Even if a woman never gives birth, a woman’s life is still inclined toward mothering. All women are entrusted with the call to care for the people within their sphere of influence. This broadens our ideas of maternity beyond gestation and lactation.

A woman’s relationships with others, even though they may not be fruitful biologically, can be fruitful spiritually. Therefore a woman’s life–her feminine genius–is characterized by physical and/or spiritual motherhood.

Read the whole article here. Tell your friends to read it, too. And then tell her that she rocks. It’s tough telling the truth in today’s world.

One Reply to “what is this feminine genius thing, anyway?”

  1. Thanks for the link Maria. I’ve been wanting to listen to or read more of Pat Gohn but never get around to it. I will take the time today.

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