WPC: Inspiration


This little abbey at the opposite end of the county where I live is my favorite place to recharge. It’s a quiet monastery that follows the Rule of St. Benedict. Their motto, Ora et Labora, pray and work,  can be seen everywhere, if not in words, then certainly in action. It’s quiet there, but busy.

I go there often for inspiration, especially when I find myself in a creative funk. I walk around the grounds. Pray. Walk some more. Sit. Think. Take pictures. Think some more. Pray again.

Every time I leave, I’m recharged. I think the peace I feel opens up my heart and mind and I am able to work past the blocks. Its the prayer, and the work. The inspiration for me to pray. And work.


12 Replies to “WPC: Inspiration”

  1. Are there lights that make it so blue inside? Or did you take it in the cool of the morning light? It’s definitely a calming atmosphere.

  2. Oh, how beautiful. Love the stained glass and the calm, blue light. The place I go is Grace Cathedral, at the top of Nob Hill, in San Francisco. It’s not as stunning, but is so big and quiet and peaceful. It always calms my mind.

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