I blame it on the CNMC

I twittered earlier today that I was suffering from multiple personalities disorder. The fact that I said twittering has probably already confused some people who are not connected to the idea of microblogging is irrelevant! HA!

OK, mom and pop, I’m talking about a bunch of different ways people connect–from blogging, which is what I’m doing here, to microblogging, think of Big Brother in reverse– a webite where I post a sentence that tells people what I am doing, or thinking, or planning to do.

As a resource, it’s pretty interesting and useful. Socially, it’s like passing a note in class–but for work, and some of the creative stuff I like to do, it’s pretty useful. For example, once I post this, I’ll let my friends in other networks know that I did, and hopefully, they’ll come to this blog and read my stuff, maybe leave  comment or two, which will then take me to their sites so I can see what they are doing. Cool, huh?


and there’s more psychosis to come.

3 Replies to “I blame it on the CNMC”

  1. Thanks for taking the time to write, It makes me want to do the same. I haven’t started to blog as of yet but you have given me the desire to . I love your tweets, keep writing and know I appreciate your words.

  2. Gaah! You done moved yer blog, which means I have to change the link for it in *my* blog. :::sigh:::

    Oh, hey, if you want to give yet *another* social network a spin (mwaha!), lemme know and I’ll send you an invite for VaticanFriends.com. 😛

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