pray for peace

One of my favorite painters, Picasso, has a series of lovely and simple line drawings that make me smile. Their beautiful simplicity speaks volumes — one stroke, one line can convey as much or more than the detailed paintings of other masters. I appreciate the others, as I appreciate some of Picasso’s more complex works as well.

But sometimes, less is more.

On this, the eve of another year gone by when we remember the events of September 11, 2001, I pray for peace.  We live in a complex world with complex relationships and far too much chaos. We grieve over the inhumanity of man against man, not just over the events that horrified us nine years ago, but over horrors committed daily.

We grieve at our capacity for evil. We grieve over injustice. We grieve because we feel.  And if we feel we can hope.

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end.    — Lamentations 3:21-22

4 Replies to “pray for peace”

  1. You are completely right, my friend. Me too… especially these days, when the place I live is surrounded by things I prefer not to think about. I also pray for peace, and for God to shed His light over all of us.

  2. I’ve missed your blog for several days. Been a little busy here. I read your last three, I do like reading your material, it’s like reading someones journal (with permission)giving insight into the people you share your planet with. Now, if only I could hurry up and get my next inspiration to post to my blog for the WORLD to read…for the world to read? yeah, when pigs fly.

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